Ask A Pro: Managing Stress As An Entrepreneur w/ Dr. Natalie Moore

It’s that dreaded word that has a variety of meanings to many different people but can have such a mighty impact on the way we live our lives. Managing stress is of the utmost importance in this day and age as the effects of stress can be damaging both physically as well as mentally. This is especially true for entrepreneurs who are constantly torn in multiple directions while striving to be successful in their chosen fields. As one myself, I can very much relate.
So I wanted to find out what I could to do to manage my stress and achieve that work-life balance that I so strongly desired. As such I got a chance to sit down and chat with Dr. Natalie Moore, a Registered Psychologist with more than 12 years clinical, teaching and research experience and who also happens to be my cousin :).
Q: I’ve often heard the road to psychology is a long and hard one. What made you decide to choose it as a profession?
A: Yes, psychology is a long and hard road. Within this region, [Barbados] a psychologist can be registered to practice with a Masters Degree. However, internationally, a Doctorate is needed for the practice of psychology. I chose psychology when I finally became aware of mental health. That is, I realised that many people were living their lives in psychological distress unaware that help was available; that life could be better, less painful.
Q: Break it down for me, what really is stress?
A: “Stress” is the perception that the demands of our lives outstrip our resources. It is also known as distress, strain, or tension. It’s important to note that it’s possible to experience stress from a desired event (a marriage; the birth of a child) as well as undesired events (the loss of a job; the death of a loved one).
Q: So now that we know what stress is, what symptoms should we look out for?
A: “Stress” is not typically a diagnostic label used by psychologists. We’re more likely to assess a client for physical, emotional and cognitive symptoms of anxiety such as:
- feeling restless, keyed up, on edge
- easily fatigued
- difficulty concentrating
- irritability
- muscle tension
- difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep
- difficulty controlling worrying thoughts
Q: A lot of professionals and entrepreneurs are battling with managing stress. Why are we as a generation so stressed out?
A: A lot of us in this generation have bought into the belief that busier is better. We may interpret being busy as being valued or important. Additionally, there are many gadgets intended to save us time by making necessary chores more efficient, and we seem to believe that any extra time gained should be spent doing more rather than being more.
In these times, life seems more impermanent. There is less job security and perhaps a greater awareness that life is fleeting. Taken together, these thoughts can lead to feelings of urgency; to hurry up and get while the getting is good!
Q: Why is it so important that we learn to manage stress?
A: “Stress” decreases our quality of life [our enjoyment, our productivity] and can contribute to physical and mental health challenges. Stress becomes particularly dangerous when it is experienced over an extended period of time.
Q: What tools can entrepreneurs use to manage stress effectively in their day to day lives?
A: Self care!
Making self care a priority by increasing our awareness of the ways in which we care for our physical, psychological and spiritual selves each day. Also, ensuring that we take in adequate amounts of good hydration and nutrition, that we get enough rest, movement and pleasurable experiences. Speaking kindly and gently about ourselves and to ourselves is also key as well as engaging in spiritual practices that are meaningful to us. In addition, we can modify how our personal resources such as time, energy and attention are utilised. Having a strong social support system that we can lean on as well as choosing when and how to say No are vitally important to maintaining a stress-free life. Lastly but by no means least, getting professional help, if needed. These are all key ways we can minimise stress and improve our quality of life.
Dr. Natalie Moore is a Registered Psychologist with more than 12 years of clinical, teaching and research experience. Following a Master’s in Educational Psychology, Dr. Moore worked as an Employee Assistance Counsellor. She also worked as a College Counsellor; there she developed a special interest in International Student Advising. She was drawn to conducting developmental research after working as a Special Needs Educator for adolescents with emotional and behavioural issues. This interest led to a Canadian Commonwealth Scholarship, a relocation to Vancouver, and a Doctorate in Counselling Psychology from The University of British Columbia.
Since returning to Barbados in 2011, Dr. Moore sees clients in her private psychotherapy practice and provides consultancy services in areas such as research and psychological evaluation. She provides personal, educational, and career counselling services for clients of diverse ages, cultures, ethnicities and levels of privilege. Dr. Moore is fascinated by how people think. She helps her clients to understand how their thoughts create their emotions and behaviour, how to increase their awareness of these mental processes, and how to create positive intentions that can shift their personal patterns, reduce emotional distress and create desired life changes.
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