The Debate: Create vs. Curate

As a social media marketer, I know that content can make or break a brand. In a world where “Content is King”, it is vitally important that your content is tailored to the audience and to the reaction you want to emote.
That being said, due to time constraints and sometimes creative road blocks, you can struggle to find that share-worthy content. I know I have!
So, what works best?
Here’s where the debate gets started. Marketers must decide whether creating original content or curating content is the best fit for the brand’s target audience. Curating in this case, simply means searching, selecting and sharing valuable content with your audience.
For first time social media marketers, or if you’re an entrepreneur managing your own social channels, deciding what to do or how often you should do it can become very confusing. So I’ll tell you what has worked for me and my clients.
I’ve had the opportunity to work with both big and small brands here in Barbados and my verdict is that both creation and curation are necessary to building an engaging online brand presence.
Say what now?!?
Yes, there really is no debate. Just a delicate balance between the two. For my clients, 80% of the time, original content is created and tailored to what they offer but that also engages their audience. However, as I’ve known from past sales experience, that sometimes the best way to sell is not to sell. Hence, 20% of the time, I will share industry specific content from other sources that I think they will find useful.
My other rule of thumb for content is humour. Humour is possibly the most engaging element that should be included in your online content. This is where curation can play a huge part. Have you seen that viral video that everyone is laughing at? Don’t be afraid to share that with your audience to give them a laugh. Laughter is truly the best medicine and quite possibly the best sales tactic.
So what do you I really think of this debate?
There isn’t any. As both creation and curation have their place in your social media marketing.
I’d love to here your experiences with creation and curation so leave a comment below, drop me a line at or find me on social media.
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